Whether you…
- Have a dog that could stand to lose a few pounds,
- Have a dog that is full of life and never out of energy,
- Live in a place with constant bad weather,
- Just can’t get your dog out to the park to run around regularly.
Treadmills and treadwheels offer a great solution.
The question is, though...
Treadwheels vs. Treadwheels. Which Is Better?
When considering which type of exercise device is right for your dog, there are some key considerations you need to take into account to ensure you are making the right decision. Let’s break down the pros and cons of each.

Treadwheels are essentially a sized-up hamster wheel for dogs.
There are many advantages to a treadwheel compared to a treadmill, especially allowing your dog to exercise while you’re not home. After all, for an electric treadmill, you often need to be home to turn it on and you should be nearby (or monitoring him or her) just in case.
One main drawback, however, is that owners often report that their dog is just unwilling to use it. It’s also often much larger than a treadmill.
- Because the treadwheel doesn’t require electricity to be turned on, your dog can use it to get exercise anytime, even if you are not home
- Treadwheels, with their vertical layout, take up less floor space in your home
- Many veterinarians believe treadwheels are safer for your dog than treadmills
- Some dogs simply cannot be trained to use them and you end up with something your dog will never use
- Even if you do train your dog to use it, there is no guarantee your dog will use it while you are away
- Some dogs fatigue of the treadwheel, get bored and stop using it altogether

These are just like the treadmills at the gym.
Note also that there is a misconception that treadmills can only support small dogs. That’s not the case
- Unlike treadwheels, treadmills are very easy to get your dog to use
They have adjustable speeds ranging from a slow walk to up to 7 miles per hour
Adjust to different inclines, which gives your dog different experiences and different intensity of workouts; this also helps in keeping them engaged and not bored
- They are especially helpful for dogs approaching older age, who may have joint issues
- Treadmills take up more floor space in your home than their treadwheel counterpart
- Many treadmills have a harness bar you can use to leash your dog into the treadmill. This means you need to supervise your dog when they use the treadmill, for safety
Quite often dogs need more vigorous exercise than you can provide. If you have a high-energy breed or an overweight dog of almost any breed, that dog needs more than a casual stroll. Regular vigorous exercise is key for weight loss and for satisfying a breed with a lot of energy. The key is finding the right type of device for your specific dog and their needs - regular use is key!
petschoicesupply.com carries both Treadmills and Treadwheels by GoPet and DogPacer, two of the most well-known brands in this space. Take a look at our collection. Also, if you have any questions about our products, please make sure to get in touch with us, via e-mail a cs@petschoicesupply.com or by phone at 1-855-PET-PRO1.